Passion Dance 爱舞团

The Passion Dance members learn classical Chinese dance and ethnic dance.  We train diligently every week.  Join us on a journey where passion meets precision!




On September 14, 2024, the Cleveland Phoenix Club's Passion Dance Group was invited to perform at the 8th Annual "Ohio KungFu Taichi Day and Moon Festival" in Columbus, Ohio. We showcased two dances: "The Place Where the Azaleas Bloom" and "Emerging Lotus."


With a mindset of learning and cultural exchange, we connected with many other performance groups and had the chance to watch their incredible shows up close. We also enjoyed interacting with the festival's attendees. One of the highlights was meeting a group of kind women from the Korean American Association of Columbus, with whom we formed a meaningful connection through dance and conversation. Local friends from Columbus helped capture these memorable moments with photography.


By participating in this event, we not only highlighted Cleveland's strong sense of community, making the long trip to support a fellow group’s event, but also demonstrated the Cleveland Phoenix Club’s commitment to teamwork, hard work, and striving for excellence! 

克利夫兰亚洲节 - 出水莲 Cleveland Asian Festival - Emerging Lotus

《出水莲》 是“爱舞团”从三月份开始自学排演的。短短两个半月的时间,可以有这样的演出效果,也是团员一致努力的成果!感谢每一位坚持排练的队员们!

Passion Dance Group self-studied and rehearsed Emerging Lotus starting from March 2024. Achieving such a performance in just two and a half months is truly the result of the concerted efforts of all members! We extend our gratitude to every member who persevered!



While there is still room for improvement in both organization and performance, our large-scale public performance debut at the Cleveland Asian Festival was outstanding and fulfilling! Every smile and move, every turn and leap, every chant and song showcased our relentless efforts, positive perspective on life, and uplifting team spirit!



Once again, let's warmly celebrate the successful performance of our Cleveland Phoenix Club at the Cleveland Asian Festival! Looking forward to the future, let's maintain our enthusiasm, strive for further progress, and continue creating great works! At the same time, we hope to see more local talents and elites joining us, contributing to the enrichment of the local community life in Cleveland!

克利夫兰亚洲节 - 金达莱盛开的地方 Cleveland Asian Festival - Where the Azaleas Bloom


The 15th Cleveland Asian Festival has come and gone, but the excitement after the Cleveland Phoenix Club performance still lingers vividly in our actors' minds, especially with the recent flood of mesmerizing photos bringing back the memories of the event!



During the Cleveland Asian Festival, we showcased a total of seven different styles and forms of performances. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the actors for their diligent efforts and wholehearted dedication! As Shaobo Yang put it so well, "We are a united and harmonious group, capable of achieving success together!"



"Where the Azaleas Bloom" has now been performed for the fifth time by the Passion Dance Group, so we were relatively at ease with it. Especially Renshan Zhao's dazzling final spin served as the crowning touch to the program, providing the audience with an unforgettable visual feast!


克利夫兰凤凰俱乐部“爱舞团”在克利夫兰谢克海茨的海瑟薇布朗学校(Hathaway Brown School, 私立学校)表演朝鲜族舞蹈《金达莱盛开的地方》。The Place Where the Azaleas Bloom。


金达莱是中国延边朝鲜族自治州的州花。在冬去春来之时,粉红的金达莱漫山遍野绚丽绽放。这支舞蹈表现的是朝鲜族人民对家乡美丽风景的赞美和对幸福生活的歌颂。 The azalea is the official flower of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in China. When winter leaves and spring comes, the red azalea begins to bloom. This dance expresses Korean-Chinese People’s love for their hometown and their gratitude for their happy lives.


“爱舞团”的成员们热爱舞蹈,追求品质,刻苦学习与训练。在追求舞蹈艺术的道路上,不懈努力着! 欢迎本地团体与个人接洽商讨表演事宜。





